\”At 13,000 feet, nothing else matters\”

Jump\"Skydive\"ing out of a plane might not be everyone’s idea of a fun afternoon, but there are some upsides to freefalling around 100 mph at about 12,500 feet in the air. Since almost 2 million people skydive each year, there has to be a reason why it\’s so popular. There are some pretty amazing places to go skydiving in the world. Here are some amazing skydiving locations and why you need to take the plunge (literally) and fall out of the sky.

In Palm Jumeirah, United Arab Emirates offers skydiving with Skydive Dubai, where you can fall out of the sky with a view of one of the most magnificent places in the world. This skydiving experience is so magnificent that there is a two-month wait—so book in advance!

We’ve all heard of Mount Everest, but did you know that you could experience it (without frostbite, misery and risking your life) from the sky? Well, you can! With Everest Skydive, you can jump out of a plane with a view of the tallest, most dangerous and thrilling mountain in the world.

\"Everest\"In Livingstone, Zambia with Victoria Falls Adventures, you can take in the breathtaking view of the world’s longest waterfall. This natural wonder dubbed, “The Victoria Falls,” is a view you will never want to forget.

Keep in mind you will always jump in tandem (with a professional and skilled skydiving instructor) to ensure maximum safety and an amazing time. So travel some place fun and make sure you book a skydiving trip to boot!

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